Digital colour prints, alternative processes and photographic installation

2019. Digital colour print

Copenhagen awnings
2017. Digital photograph, winter evening

The work of hands
2019. Photographic quilt: silver gelatine prints hand-coloured with Prismacolor pencils, canvas, hemp cord

2019. Silver gelatine print with photogram, Prismacolour pencil

Heather Over-the-Mountain
2018. Digital darkroom image of black-&-white photographic print

2019. Silver gelatine prints and photographic prints on resin-coated paper with Sabattier effect, plastic take-out cup lids, Ponderosa pine needles and cones, coniferous needle and cone fossils

Heather (after Deborah Luster)
2018. Digital colour image

Litter gifting
2018. Silver gelatine print, Prismacolor pencil, acrylic ink